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Showing posts from August, 2014

Far Away

Lately, everything just seems to be jumbled in words that could never sound beautiful no matter how you phrased them. We've been on a family vacation for the last two weeks, which has been simply been driving me crazy, because when you have two perfect cousins and a family who is convinced that your the devil it makes things insane. The trip already started out with problems because my grandmother believes what my cousins gossip about me, and honestly it's just unfair. They claimed that I blocked them from being able to call me, when in reality they ignore me in the grand scheme of the world. I should also say that it's annoying that my grandmother takes my uncle's side for everything, I felt as though for all the time we were on the cruise, I was listening to my grandmother talk about how everything I do is wrong and we had to wait everywhere for my uncle and his family. I did everything wrong because I wasn't interested in being friends with my cousins because of ...