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Showing posts from May, 2019

Next Time...

I still cannot believe that the last time that I posted on here it was 2017. Two years have passed and sometimes I can't believe where my life is now. A Manhattan girl just looking for the next big break. Hoping one day I can shine, living out every typical moment of a 20-something year old's life. Sometimes, I can't believe where I am- where did it all go? Somehow, I thought college would last forever. It seems like only yesterday I was just finding my way through all of it. Just yesterday I was studying away in London thinking about what graduation would be like. And now it's been a year since graduation and I'm out trying to figure out my next move. One thing, I wish they would have told me- is that it's a lot harder than trying to study for those exams or trying to get that cute guy to look back your way. Sometimes, I still feel like I'm seventeen on the inside, as if I never truly grew up I just got older. I think that saying about being as old as you f...