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Beautiful? I think....

Well the day went by slowly. School inches by as fast as a snail. But, otherwise I was thinking about beauty lately. I mean most girls don't feel beautiful and I am definitely one of those girls. I mean not everyone isn't born beautiful. I mean I've been overweight since I was a kid so I got use to the teasing but, it stills hurts inside that I'm not skinny but this is what happens to girls we hate ourselves and we want to change everything about us. Our hair, our face, our body, and so on; why do we keep doing this to ourselves? It hurts so much. Then this picture is what we look like we look like crap. We hurt ourselves because we want to look a certain way or be a certain way so people will like us. And as time goes on we begin to feel that everything is wrong with us, that we'll never be likable. I mean what is happening to the world?I mean look at that before and after why, is the world bringing us down? Why do we have to be stunning to impress everybody? i mean why do we have to look like sticks to fit in? Why? Always have that smile and always be too small for a size! For crying out loud give women a break guys stop making us die inside because we wanna impress you. So lay off! Give the girl a break don't you think it's hard enough seeing someone in a magazine who's flawless yet, inside you know you'll never be like them? Yeah, I know everyone has. I mean I look at stars and wish I could look the same but, you know treat everybody the same. Don't be a bitch to someone who is overweight you don't know their problems and maybe they have struggles and don't like somebody because they fit into those parsi jeans. Really accept somebody even if they are fat or thin, their still humans. But sometimes we feel like aliens.


  1. There is a song you must hear:

  2. Little girl fourteen
    Flipping through a magazine
    Says she wants to look that way
    But her hair isn't straight
    Her body isn't fake
    And she's always felt overweight

    Well little girl fourteen
    I wish that you could see
    That beauty is within your heart
    And you were made with such care
    Your skin your body and your hair
    Are perfect just the way they are

    There could never be
    A more beautiful you
    Don't buy the lies disguises
    And hoops they make you jump through
    You were made to fill a purpose
    That only you could do
    So there could never be
    A more beautiful you


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