The new school year runs close and as any student you can only imagine the agony of the hard work that you spend hours upon; yet joy pulses through your veins because you can't wait to see your friends. However even though school "promotes" being yourself with your own wants and desires parents are still at command central. I know common child complaint, right? What you typically hear is "It's not fair!", "I didn't do anything!", "Why do you always blame me?!", "I don't know what you're talking about!", and so on. However, what people fail to realize is that children are the future, we have just as much to say about certain topics as adults. For example my mom thinks people who are gay are freaks were on the other hand I'm okay with people being gay it's never bothered me. We ("children") begin to realize to almost every adult appearance is everything when one moment you could be scolding a child for doing something wrong the next a guest arrives and you embrace us or pretend it never happened and frankly that behavior makes us confused ask any child and they can agree with the statement. Today in this modern world ere surrounded by technology unfortunately that makes people forgetful about what is really important the new Iphone or family. When I am waiting for the world to change when will technology stop out-ruling other things when will people who take a stand against something be acknowledged? When will words finally turn into actions when will, celebrities stop making regretful choices and when will magazines stop putting up unrealistic ideas of being skinny? When will life begin to be about you? When will you be able to know what to do? So many of these questions bounce around our minds but the true question isn't when is the world going to change, when are the people going to change? ~Liki
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