Man, everything has been crazy lately. Love is the most dangerous game I could play, because I somehow secretly know that feelings will get crushed and there is always too many expectations that are impossible. However , why does it make us all feel so beautiful inside? Why does it make us feel amazing and other emotions that suddenly rush to the surface because you feel so happy. The the thoughts slowly drift into your mind till they become part of your every thought, and when you stay in love it isn't so bad. However the drifting feeling of love makes everything hard and painful and you you begin to wonder why fell in love to begin with. The hours upon hours of crying and desperate texts and calls then turning to anger where you burn all their pictures and listen to Taylor Swift's "Picture to burn" more times than you can count backwards. Love they say, is only infatuation when you're younger however when you get older the more you realize how fake love had become with candy hearts, roses, jewelry you get the idea. When you were younger the idea of love had been beautiful when you were 7 and prayed by the stories of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty waiting for your Prince Charming to come knocking on the door, and you beg your mom to see "The Princess and the Frog" seven hundred times because you think the kiss is so cute. When you get older the world begins to fade to gray because Prince Charming never came until you blame yourself. The first date becomes your worst nightmare because the guy was a jerk, and you learn guys were never like the books. Till you settle for someone when your thirty because you decided you wanted to have a "life". The true love left in the world is the rarest to find and what makes it even harder is that we all believe that we have when we truly have nothing at all. True love comes by once in a life time however it is almost always disguised behind barriers and lies. True love is when you could not care less about the world around you and you begin to see only that one person, true love is when you shout your name out to the sky they answer back, when they kiss you it feels like the first time, when you look in their eyes you see only beauty and their souls buried in their secret garden, and when you hear their voice it could bring you to tears.
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