I can't believe its been so long since I've posted anything, considering my summer has been a total bummer. Nothing to do all day long except learn chemistry, not exactly the best summer ever. One of those moments you wish you could change places with a celebrity in the hopes that your life will be more exciting, traveling up the streets of Paris or Rome something like that. Lately it seems like my friends aren't really my friends because I'm a third wheel, someone who will stand there simply because I'm around. I mean aren't friends suppose to know you better than anyone else? Know your strengths, weakness, your passions, secrets, your goal, your desires? I'm a secretly sensitive person, maybe overly sensitive? I just hate to blend in, when I was born to stand out. I don;t wanna change myself for everyone else, I'm just me the crazy girl who is love sick. Its always the same excuses from friends when you claim you're a third wheel, "I never knew you felt that way..", "your not a third wheel..","that's crazy why do you say that.." something along those lines. It seems that friends all too often are only here for a season and then eventually disappear. I'm still holding out on a Romeo as well as a true friend, I go for days on end wishing that one would appear and it wouldn't just be in my head. Is it really that wrong to want to have someone be there in your life? To want that person it makes you wanna run outside and smile so much, your stuck in that weird smiling position. To want someone to live the long adventure of life with you? People can be so heartless, you have to be the one to remind everyone how amazing life is and how it is full of adventure and excitement- whether it be friends, relationships, or being you remember that this is your life! LOVE YOURSELF! Liki
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