Do you ever wonder why we're around? Why the Earth still moves forward? When we feel as though our world has stopped completely in motion. My world is undeniably deleterious, in other words bad. My true issue is not within the human mind's grasp but rather the long past dreams fading upon my windowsill. I've failed at life so many times I don't know how to find the hope I love. When God calls my name I don't hear Him, lost in our own human selfishness. Crying out to the sky in the rain calling Him, He hears us. The hardest part of being human is to accept your mistakes, to start over. When we cry out to the Lord have we ever asked Him what He wanted? Everything in this world happens for a reason, what is His reason? If only life had the way to tell us everything is alright. As people in this world we need our wake up call and to realize God is here however, when we are blinded by our own wants and needs, God says to us that He was there we just didn't realize it. The idea you need to take away from this is that God won't wait around forever for us.
God has forever to wait around for us. We don't have forever to sit and listen to God. But for each breath we draw, we have another new chance to do what is right.