I promise that I'm not so far away.This Christmas is so close however the gifts to me don't matter so much this is the day Jesus was born the day he came into this world as an innocent child and grew into an adult however did Jesus ever know how much He meant to us? Every year I walk into a mall and see people rush from store to store in the designer boots, bags that cost more than my house the skinny body I could only wish I could have while I appear as a girl in glasses carrying my book. I begin to see that even though they believe they have it all I am the lucky winner while I see those dropping more money than imaginable I had the best gift in the world one money could not buy the true meaning of Christmas. This is the time of the year when Jesus came to Earth and saved us all. However the feeling of guilt sits in my stomach because Jesus died on that cross for me and I whispered quietly to myself how could I have been so selfish? Jesus died just for my sake and for the rest of the world. When I was a young girl I prayed under the Christmas tree and begged God to be in my life and have been trying to do what is best in His interest easier said then done. We are just humans we make mistakes and we fall down however God is that force that brings us back to your feet when we drift to high into the sky God brings us back to the ground. God has been there for us why can't we be there for him?
I asked Jesus 'How much do you love me?" "This much" and He spread out his arms and died for me.
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