As I wake up alone I find that neither the cool air flowing through the window, or the fan blowing at a gentle hum could comfort me. I am here alone; I attempt to read my book while in bed but, find myself engulfed with the somberness of the day. The papers that rest next to my desk are quickly flapping to the breeze, as if waiting to be blown away. The posters on the wall portraying happy celebrities only seem to personify the emptiness. My legs grow goose-flesh as I shiver, I reach for the telephone only to find it seems more chill than the breeze around me. My fingers stroke the keys desperate to make someone understand the torment of waking up with nothing, as if reality has disappeared through my fingers. And yet, I cannot seem to make myself leave the bed, that fills me with loneliness. The week will once again begin anew and yet here in the South the trees have not embraced their fall colors, and seem to be resisting the change from summer to fall. However, the wind seems all to eager to adapt; the days now fill me with chills, all too unforgiving. The telephone rings, and I see a message displayed across the screen, which only makes me more inclined to forget the outside world and remain in the safety of the room. I pull the blankets around me attempting to remain warm and hold myself closely, as if to shield myself from the pain that this October morning brings. The stack of papers on my desk waits to be completed, dull and unforgiving. I am completely haunted by all the work that must be done, hoping that November will pass quickly seems like a wish best left to fiction. The days seem to drag out, only further disappointing me. However, the day must begin no matter how long I put it off for; so, I must bid you my goodbye. After only a short paragraph my mind left with no more words to type. So, goodbye, goodbye.
Well, its early on a Tuesday I came into work early due to the absence of my coworker so here I am. Its such a peaceful morning so far, I can hear the coffee maker from the kitchen and silence. Its a relatively nice feeling, rather than the phone constantly shrilling, demanding immediate attention. Even my mother hasn't gotten to work yet, which is simply bizarre considering her job is her life. So, I'm sitting at the front desk typing away on my laptop and making coffee for my mother. She just walked in wondering where I was for most of the time, which it actually took me a half an hour to drive to work and I stopped along the way at a recreation center, just sitting in the field. It was so peaceful, now the office is starting to get a bit fussy as most type furiously across their keyboards and the morning coffee is quickly taken as, a crutch, for most tired employees. Some have not even stepped foot in the office, but rather chose an extra hour of sleep. Its going to be a lon...
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