Hola! Well hello there. I just am kinda sad about leaving for Virgina. I mean, I also am completely not ready to face the competition that my cousins bring and they don't even know it. I mean they seem so perfect in every way to me, I mean they are smart, beautiful,popular,skinny,they get to live in the warmest places,and have so many friends, I can't even count! Plus they know sometimes to compete with them I make things up, but other than making me a bad person it, will never compare to anything they can do. They are super humans in my eyes, so amazing yet, smart at the same time, impossible as it seems they have done it. Well, even my boyfriend could agree that we all have someone that in our live will seem perfect yet, they really aren't. Yet. in our eyes they always will be.
Super Humans
It's what we see
No matter what
It seems like that
You can't imagine
Us bellow you
You can't forget us, to
If You Could See
I imagine it
With no candle lit
No way to see
Sometimes you can't believe
There's so many reasons
Believe In You
Because in the dark
Hell or Heaven
He is there
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