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Death and the Love Jesus

Just like the waves down by the shore, I'm gonna keep comin' back for more. This video that I gave you the link to you is in memory of my grandpa he died and now he's in my memory always. But, I think of death as the beginning instead of the end because now, he's with God and I know he'll look out for all my family who have gone to rest. Believe that death is not the end it is the beginning of the life behind the Golden Gates. "Why should I be afraid of death? When death brings us closer to God."(St. Elizabeth) I believe one day I'll earn my place in the stars and remember all my friends especially Kelly and Nia that if you ever need help you can always call me. Dead or alive through the power of God I will help.

I will tell a story.

Once upon a time there was 7 beautiful sisters yet, the youngest ;the most beautiful, Nejamh their father the richest man in the land. Then one day the seven sisters took a trip and meet many scholars and others. They brought a Friend home. Soon their Father sought out marriages for his daughters. Of course, only the richest were the fine suitors. The six sisters followed through with their marriages without a word. Except, Nejamh "I will not worship God in secrecy I will worship him freely! There is a place where we can." One of the sisters spoke up, she looked a t her sisters plan "There is no way possible your betrothal is tomorrow." Her sisters left Nejamh alone, in her room. She help a picture of God close to her heart. "Oh God, what do these princes see? They just see another beautiful girl they want to add to their collection. Oh God, take it all away, I just want to be free." Nejamh prayed all night long and soon fell asleep. "I'll hear no more of this! You will marry the prince and- ACK!" Nejamh had grown a beard and folded her hands and knelled. "It was true, I asked God to take away my beauty and He did!" "No will ever marry you now! If you believe in this God so much you shall share his fate."The guard took Nejamh to be hung on a cross. Her last words to her sisters were " Now I can be free. And If anyone in needs help I will help through the power of God. I love you." A blinding light came and Nejamh was gone. (From the book Castle In Waiting no copyright intended)


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