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I wonder to myself in this life is it really us?We all have our ups and downs in life will it ever pause. I want to breathe a moment of peace in my life one second to pull back and say wow have I been that blind? People are surprised to see what they are in others eyes when you think you are alone you're far from it. I'm a very fragile even though people can't believe it I have too many sides that can confuse anyone I can be so many different people like I'm faucets of glass on a diamond. But at least when I look in the mirror I can see myself I may be sad but at least I can believe I have the support of people that love me. People sometimes as well need to breathe and take their own time to heal, people are here to be our guides but, sometimes it hurts to see the damage it can have on our life. But we don't have to hide because our 'truest friends' are right in front of us and will always try to protect us from the fall. But I know I've been blessed because I hae some of the greatest friends surrounding me however my own misery blinds me from the great unknown of life.Remember that sometimes we can be ourselves and know that whoever in this life doesn't like us will not bother us. People are strong however the next time you stroll down the pathway take a breathe and smell the air and laugh wildly and you will know that you have been only you, you're point of release also as much as you like to think you're life is ordinary it's not it's amazing in it's own special way. Also this is the most important realize what you said because you may not see it now but secretly inside it will hurt someone else even if they don't hear it, because inside you're heart it will hurt to say that even if it's not about yourself.

Breathe-Michelle Branch I've been driving for an hour Just talking to the rain You say I've been driving you crazy and its keeping you away So just give me one good reason Tell me why I should stay 'Cause I dont wanna waste another moment in saying things we never meant to say And I Take it just a little bit I, hold my breath and count to ten I, I've been waiting for a chance to let you in If I just breathe Let it fill the space between I'll know everything is alright Breathe Every little piece of me You'll see Everything is alright If I just breathe Well it's all so overrated In not saying how you feel So you end up watching chances fade And wondering what's real And I Give you just a little time I, Wonder if you realize I've been waiting till I see it in your eyes If I just breathe Let it fill the space between I'll know everything is alright Breathe, Every little piece of me You'll see Everything is alright If I just breathe Breathe So I whisper in the dark, Hoping you hear me Do you hear me? If I just breathe Let it fill the space between I'll know everything is alright Breathe, Every little piece of me You'll see Everything is alright Everything is alright if i just breathe... breathe I've been driving for an hour Just talking to the rain Be back soon, Ella


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