Well here stands 2010 in front of us but, what now? The choices now will influence us forever, now I'm thinking what my uncle said to me that I have the talent but I'm not making it to its full use, however the obstacles in life can change your life forever. Today I read this poem
"I'm gonna smile like nothing's wrong. Talk like everything's perfect, Act like it's all a dream, And pretend it's not hurting me."
Think of all those who have no hope all those caught in the problems this world gives but, some take the wrong path in the opposite direction sometimes we can't decide one get's lucky one falls into the opposite. We want so much to help them but, we have to learn we can't. People always want to make the lives of others easier but, we have to learn to let people fall even when we hate to see it happen. The two paths teach us that in that time we learn jealousy, anger, kindness, love. We learn jealous is of everything we don't have it's an endless cycle the people we are jealous of envy us. We learn jealousy comes and goes but, we must remember we don't want it to take over our lives and then anger can follow tormenting those around us. Oh like me, we just bottle it in and we talk like everything's perfect when one day burst into flames. But, the poem above talks about one situation I can relate to a broken family; mom never married dad had me so on so forth story, but just to hear them gossip and talk in disgust when I say their name, the persuasion, lies, the anger. OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!!! Why can't you even talk to each other? THE PAST IS GONE! Why blame it all on me? It wasn't my fault. Here's my poem...
You say to me every things just fine
But I can tell you lyin'
It can feel like I'm dyin'
Here all alone
Sitting out in the cold
Remember the time
You said to me I'm worth more than every dime
Because I don't
You won't
Never surrounded by the fear
Waiting to swim across the pier
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