My mind is at peace, for that one solitary moment there seems to be a sense of serenity from inner core that spreads to the rest of my body. Which is truly ironic, because there's never been more pressure on me. But, for this one moment I feel a sense of liberation from all ties to earth itself, as if suddenly I stopped walking and learned how to fly. My mind feels all-knowing, as if all the "wise" thoughts have flown into my mind. Such as, that death comes and how it shouldn't be taken as the end but, rather the beginning of a new world or peace and divinity. How a song can change your mood entirely, from sour to joy. How life seems like one long song, becoming so many generes from rock to a ballad by all the stages we go through in our life. I feel, the best way to express this feeling is complete and utter amazement. When you truly stop for that one moment and look at the talents, emotions, and their inner thoughts; you seem to stand there in utter stupefaction. That these people who surround you suddenly turn to angels, you become amazed at how they do different things, much like how an artist pours his heart out on a record, or how a writer writes what they couldn't say and reveals all those secret emotions hidden deep within themselves. When I look around most say I wear the expression of an infant beholding the world for the first time, my eyes grow wide and I look around in complete shock, because to me the world is ever changing. The world is filled with people with amazing people- who I sadly, cannot can not describe to the fullest, even if I tried. I know that in my mind, I'm not going to be here forever, why not live the world anew each day? I'm not about to let this opportunity run right past me. For once, I feel like for those who can look from the outside into the world see the true beauty- when its not about getting a boyfriend, getting straight As, the right clothes, and who to hang out with; but, rather who you are- and how you see the world. How the world is that bright and golden world you saw as a child- why did that image disappear from you're mind? You may blame it on the influence of the media, family, or whatever but its not being the perfect samaritan its about being who you truly are- spilling out all those emotions you hide onto the paper. Its about being fearless. Seeing yourself as a person destined to live life to the fullest. I never agreed with the statement that "some people are destined for greatness", for two reasons "greatness" is praise from others, I feel like you don't need that to find who you really are and to live each day as the last. Also, it says "some" thats completely un-true everyone in the world can do something stunning. But, truly in the end it won't be all the moments that you did that took their breath away, it'll be about those moments when you felt that raw emotion of utter amazement, when you think of how many different talents one world has. The gift of music, writing, cooking, drawing, painting, computers, anything truly. I feel that's the true magic of the world when you look around say, "that's amazing" and truly mean it and have that twinkle in your eyes. "I'm weightless." "That's cause were carrying you see the water and me." From my favorite movie, "Tuck Everlasting" what make it my favorite is that it explores the concept of mental freedom, through the physical freedom of Winnie Foster from her parents. It truly reminds me that we are sometimes in our own little bubble, that seems to become the world for us, much like Winnie and how she was never allowed past the iron gates of her home. But once, we learn to spread our wings and fly- we see the purity of the mind through the freedom we have to explore it, how Winnie goes past the gates and discovers the way of the Tucks opening her eyes to the beauty of the world. The one scene that truly stands out and makes me smile every time I watch it is the scene where Winnie learns to swim, because of how her mind is exposed to the new ideas and how she chooses to learn through pure joy. I could type much more words to try and express how the world can impact a person to find the true meaning, however the time I have to write is slim and even if I attempted to write it, there couldn't be enough words in the world.
So, on that note, I must go. School tomorrow, unfortunately.
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