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Everything with a side of Heaven

I know I haven't actually posted a post in a while. I've been with my boyfriend a lot lately, I pretty much look and feel dumb when I'm around him. I mean I am intellgent but when I'm around him I just I don't know. All I really know is I never want to be with anybody else, this year I've hardly had any time to do anything fun, dance or write; get my emotions out. Maybe it's because I haven't had a boyfriend in a long time and my heart is always broken so, when I finally found someone who does care, I always want to be around them. However I'm afraid because my friend brought up a good point to me that I maybe am more into him than he is in me I told him this, because I want him to know what's on my mind and he basically told me he thought that she was right. What does that mean??? Maybe all this relationship stuff is getting to my head I need to calm down. Plus he told me he can't be with me everyday which I have to accept to be honest though I'm kind of glad he said it, because honestly I need some me time where I can get all this out and be with my friends. My friend, Callie actually gave me a good idea we need a girl's night because we really haven't had time to hang out without our boyfriends and school and everything else. I want to go somewhere fun where I can dance like crazy, be with my friends and have fun without my boyfriend Kyle. I mean I love Kyle but I don't wanna spend every secound missing him that's pathetic. Plus I'm having problems with my best friend she spends EVERY secound with her boyfriend, I mean EVERY single secound of her life. It's hard to even approach her because he's always with her, I tried to talk to her for a few minutes and she basically ignored me, I mean I love her to death but I'm not really feeling the love back. I only get to spend one hour with Kyle before he goes surfing, ONE HOUR. I don't want to be a bad friend to my bestie,Laura but I'm not really sure what to do. I tell her all the time I want to hang out but she makes uo these excuses and I'm sick to death of them. Like she has play practice or too much homework and I just want to go up to her and say "You don't spend any time with me! Your my best friend but you don't call, text nothing! I'm putting everything in, and I want you to talk to me and spend a little time with your friends your boyfriend isn't everything in your life! You won't have any friends left, if you make him everything!" I don't want to seem mean but I can't think of anything else to do! But yes this is the update of my life, everything I've been dealing with.



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