Lately everything in my life has been going pretty well. Yesterday was crazy, I hung out with my friend Callie just walking around town and we laughed till it hurt! But Kyle and I fell out yesterday he cancelled on me again! I was so upset! Callie brought up a good point what if I'm more into him? I left a really nasty voice mail on his phone Callie said he was a jerk because he would never do the things I do for him for me. That fueled my anger even more and he then told me he could go on our date after I made plans with Callie's family, because I was not having another lonely Saturday night. He told me he couldn't go before he even asked his mum! Least to say I was even more angry he lied to me! But I went on our date and I was pretty dang mad for the first half hour and I told him how I felt, I asked him why he really wanted me for my body or for me and I was really strict with letting him put his arm around me or whatever. But, I started to warm back up to him, I love Kyle I can't stay mad at him. Least to say the rest of the date went well, we made out a lot. Not too bad. It was a pretty long date too 3 and a half hours but in between our kisses we played our cute little games, I stole twenty bucks (don't worry I gave it back) yeah but it was hilarious. I'm not gonna go into details, a girl's gotta have some secrets. I think I've had my life pretty balanced however between my friends and Kyle I have time for both now all I need to do is pass science! I've been really bad about my diet lately mcflurrie friday and 2 scoops of ice cream yesterday but for starving myself it's not that bad. But I'm gonna be better I'll burn it off. Wish me luck on my crazy adventure! =)
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