I know I haven't been on in forever, and I'm relieved to be writing something; I think I might go crazy if I don't. My favorite english teacher is getting harsh and becoming almost unemotional, ever since the death in his family he has become a brutal teacher, he gave me a C on a paper and he never smiles anymore. It depresses me, when a see a fairly nice teacher become so drastically changed. I understand that a death in the family is truly nothing to smile about, but even though that happened I would at least try to look content. But I digress, from why I'm truly excited to write. I have a new boyfriend. I know shocker, there. But, since I feel I must explain how we met, I shall take you back two weeks ago. I had previously told my driving instructor, about my love of writing vampire novels and when he told a kid in his Suffern (small town neighboring mine) class about me he told my instructor to give him me his number. And then we started texting, nonstop. However, throughout our texts I'm pretty sure it was clear that we both liked each other. Last Saturday, was my peak of happiness, we went to see the movie "Jack and Jill" but, we got to the mall a couple hours earlier so we ended up walking around the mall aimlessly, going from store to store while we both laughed at the anorexic models depicted. Then we eventually, walked back to the theater and when we sat down in about the middle of the theater, I tried to act casual, however my heart wasn't taking it. In the beginning it was only my head on his shoulder however that eventually escalated into his arm around me, my fingers intertwined with sometimes both his hands or just one and myself leaning fully into his chest. Now, that I have to admit was AMAZING!! When the movie finally ended we walked out hand in hand and as we were walking he asked me, whether we were boyfriend and girlfriend or what. And since I was unsure of how exactly to phrase it of he said no, I asked if that was alright with him and he said YES!! So we finally stop at the place, Barnes and Nobles where we sit along one of the book-shelved aisles with my head buried into him, and when I kissed his cheek, his kissed my forehead and drew me nearer (no mean to gross you out by PDA, but I was just so happy) but eventually his mo came to get him, and he had to go, but he kissed me. Although it didn't technically count as a real kiss since it only lasted about 5 seconds but it still was AWESOME!! I'll have to keep you on a cliff hanger however, because I'm so tired at the moment.
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