Lately, I've been wrapped in trivial things and have honestly really not had anything that eventful happen. Which to me is rare. Honestly the week just started so, I'm probably jinxing myself; but, it has been nice to no longer deal with friend drama. The only drama around here is how annoying Mr. X is, I swear he is the king of complaining especially lately its gotten to a point where it just irritates the heck out of me. But, other than that its been pretty quiet, ever since Jose left its been pretty silent, which isn't all bad my heart is recovering, of course the wound is deep but if I let other people control me then I'll fall to pieces. I know life will go on, it always has, my phone has been pretty quiet too; not many people are around everybody's just doing their own thing, which strangely doesn't bother me. I've just been minding my own business, just going to work and listening to music which has really been most of my summer. Well, I did see a Cobra Starship concert last friday so, at least that was exciting and to say the least I did lose my voice for most of the weekend. I also saw my ex over the weekend and to say the least we fell asleep together in a field, and I don't want to think about my feelings about him because, we've had a long three years of history and I don't think he wants to be with me, so I'm just going to let it go. Life goes on I believe that, well I'm off I got sticker glue on my iphone from a case so I'm out to find out how to get rid of it.
Mineral oil gets rid of sticker glue. :D